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Bharat Thakur Art Exhibition

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Tagbin utilized the blend of art and technology at the Bharat Thakur Art Exhibition to showcase the stupendous life of the Yoga Guru and Artist.


Visual Arts Gallery, India Habitat Centre (IHC), Lodhi Road, New Delhi

Launch Year



Bharat Thakur Art

Experience The Blend of Modern Art With Technology

Yoga guru and artist, Bharat Thakur is known for his bold art, not contained or limited by any style. An innovative platform to communicate an artist’s imagination, using modern technological methods, was made under this exhibition. Art, sculptures, self-portraits, and pictures of Aghori Baba were displayed with the integration of technology, communicating the story of his life.

An Enhanced And Digital Storytelling Version Of ART

Tagbin merged experiential technology with the sculptures giving yet another dimension to his unbridled art. This enabled the visitors to revel in an unforgettable experience. The new-age Holographic Technology further captivated the interest of the entire audience.

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